Permanent Committee Begins Study of Decree Regulating Oncological Medicines
20 noviembre 2019

On November 19, the working group of the Permanent Committee of Congress, in charge of preparing the report on Emergency Decree 007-2019 which declares that drugs, biological products and medical devices are an essential part of people’s right to healthcare, held its first session. On this occasion the legislators welcomed private sector representatives who shared their opinions on the regulations, and agreed to hold a new meeting in the coming weeks to continue the consultation process. Any decisions taken by this working group will however not be binding, as the new Congress will decide on the issue when it resumes its functions after the January 2020 parliamentary elections.

The decree states that the list of essential medicines included under International Nonproprietary Names in pharmacies, apothecaries and private sector pharmacy services will be approved by the Ministry of Health and must include 40 generic essential medicines to be kept available at all times. However, during the meeting, the working group coordinated by Congresswoman Milagros Salazar (Peru 21 — Opposition) determined almost unanimously that full responsibility for this cannot be transferred to the private sector, particularly if state facilities are also obliged to provide the same medicines.

Aly Dante Carlos Villarroel, representative of the Association of Independent Pharmacies and Drugstores of Peru, stated that Decree 007-2019 “encourages inequality and inefficiency in the market,” since “of the 18,900 pharmacies and drugstores in existence throughout the country, more than 15,000 are independent, and a sanction of 2 Tax Units (equivalent to USD 2491), could result in the bankruptcy of any of these enterprises.”
