Executive Launches Public Consultation on Guidelines to Develop Digital Services
25 octubre 2019

On October 15, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, via Resolution No. 917-2019, got underway a public consultation on a draft Supreme Decree that seeks to  incorporate a section entitled “Guidelines for the development of new services and digital technologies” to the broader Guidelines for the Opening of the Peruvian Telecommunications Market. Opinions and suggestions may be sent until November 16 to the following email address: [email protected]. Read more about the initiative at this link.

The proposal under consideration aims to “adopt measures to take advantage of the opportunities for growth and development offered by telecommunications, to achieve greater integration and dynamism of the country’s economy.” 

The idea is to enhance growth in the communications sector and promote greater access, use and exploitation of the radioelectric spectrum, incorporate guidelines for developing new services and digital technologies such as 5G. In parallel, the measure foresees the protection of personal data as well as bandwidth increases while minimizing communication delays.

