Executive Branch creates group to provide recommendations for the Annual Development Plan 2022 and signs agreement against piracy in the digital ecosystem
5 febrero 2022


On February 5, the Ministry of Culture set up a new working group to issue technical and financial proposals on the different lines of economic incentives of the Annual Plan for the Promotion of Film and Audiovisual Activity 2022. The virtual presentation of the proposal is expected to take place in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi in Spanish) signed an agreement with the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), in order to consolidate cooperation mechanisms to counteract piracy of music and other works that are disseminated through websites, without the authorisation of their owners. For more information, see below:

  • Working Group to issue recommendations to the Annual Plan 2022.

The working group is one more of the instances of citizen participation that the Ministry of Culture has, with the aim of conducting policies in favor of the sector in a more inclusive manner. It is worth mentioning that they will not be able to participate in the economic incentives as a natural person, legal representative of the applicant legal person, responsible or director of projects or works that are presented to the incentives.

  • Cooperation agreement with the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)

The executive president of Indecopi, Julián Palacín Gutiérrez, highlighted that this agreement will help to expand training and exchange of information for the detection of infringement of copyright and related rights in the digital environment. In the framework of this agreement, IFPI will provide training, updating and capacity building to Indecopi staff on key aspects of the fight against piracy in the digital environment, as well as information exchange. The alliance will be valid for two years, renewable.
