INC-4 comes to and end and sets up working groups to negotiate final text of plastic pollution treaty
2 mayo 2024


Single-use plastics. On 30 April, the 4th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC) concluded in Ottawa, Canada. During the meeting, delegates discussed the draft of the binding treaty against plastic pollution defined at the previous INC meeting, aiming to finalize a draft document and a timetable of tasks for the next meeting. After a series of disagreements, and after failing to define a final draft in the closing session, it was agreed to work in two intersessional groups to work on funding and identifying criteria on plastic and chemical pollution. INC-5 will be held from 25 November to 1 December this year in Busan, South Korea.

Disagreements mainly revolved around financing and criteria on plastic pollution. In the chapter on problematic and avoidable plastics in the draft, delegates did not reach agreement on whether problematic and avoidable plastic products would be identified globally through common criteria and listed in annexes or whether to take the path of countries defining national criteria guided by an annex. 

Different views also emerged on whether the measures to be taken with regard to plastics should be based on: prohibitive restrictions; a progressive phase-out of plastics; gradual reductions; or whether only certain plastic products would be regulated or restricted.  There was also a lack of agreement on whether the measures would address some or all aspects of: manufacture, use, production, sale, distribution and import/export.

At the close, the finance sub-group agreed not to add further amendments to the text of the agreement in order to negotiate it line by line. This text contains provisions for the establishment/designation of a funding mechanism for the measure and the mobilization of resources. This work will form the basis for negotiations intersessionally and later at INC-5.

Next steps

Following the closure of the 4th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC), delegates assessed the content of the draft developed at INC-3. While there was disagreement on drafting a final text, country representatives decided to meet in two sub-groups to address the provisions on types of plastics and financing that would be contained in the document. This work is expected to produce a unified text for presentation and further discussion at the next INC meeting in Busan, South Korea, to be held from 25 November to 1 December.

Engagement opportunities for McDonald’s

In the meetings held by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution to evaluate the provisions of the final text of the plastics treaty, the private sector is entitled to attend and engage with country representatives on the final version of the text.
