Pact for a Grand Alliance for Nutrition and Zero Hunger seeks to position food security as a regional priority
10 mayo 2022


Food security. On May 10, the first meeting was held remotely between the member countries of the “Pact for a Grand Alliance for Nutrition and Zero Hunger”, which seeks to reaffirm the commitment of the States to food security. The Pact was launched in November 2021 and was signed by Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Paraguay, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Honduras. However, the agreement is led by the First Lady of Colombia with support from the World Food Program (WFP). Shared regulatory experiences could boost national initiatives in the participating countries.

During the first meeting, representatives of the Colombian government shared their national regulatory experiences, such as the strengthening of the Intersectoral Commission for Food and Nutritional Security (CISAN in Spanish), the Work Plan against Malnutrition Ni 1+, the Ten-Year Plan for Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding, and the National Policy for the Prevention and Reduction of Food Losses and Waste. Repositioning food security and nutrition as a priority on the region’s political and social agenda was the central theme of the meeting.

The agreement also aims to strengthen initiatives and promote opportunities aimed at rescuing products and knowledge; promote innovation in nutrition to seek solutions; and recognize the contribution that sectors such as gastronomy, tourism and cultural activities make to positively influence changes in habits and behaviors.

Next steps

Once this regional cooperation space is up and running, it can become a framework for the articulation of consensus and the exchange of regulatory experiences by officials from member countries, aimed at guaranteeing food security and improving nutrition indices. It should be noted that among the specific objectives of the Pact are the promotion of innovation in nutrition and the role of the gastronomic sector in promoting changes in healthy habits and behaviors.

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