Executive Branch promulgates law requiring the use of generic names in the prescription of medicines
30 marzo 2022


On March 30, the Secretariat of Health (SSA in Spanish) promulgated, through the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF in Spanish), the decree by which provisions of the General Health Law are modified. The text seeks to regulate the prescription of drugs by requiring the use of their generic name. The text is already in force.

The decree amends the current regulations by modifying the following points:

  • The scope of article 225 is extended to drugs prescribed by prescription. Thus, they must be prescribed and identified by their generic and distinctive names. The generic identification will always be mandatory. 
  • The issuer of the medical prescription will prescribe the drugs in their generic denomination and, if he/she wishes, may indicate the distinctive denomination of his/her preference, informing the patient about the therapeutic options.
  • The changes will be regulated within 180 days from March 30, 2022.