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UN agencies call on States to strengthen regulatory measures to ensure food security
29 noviembre 2018


Food security. On November 7, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP) presented a report on food security in Latin America and the Caribbean. The agencies called on governments in the region to adopt stricter regulatory measures. They called for tax measures on over-processed food, front-of-package labeling and nutrition education. Legislators and officials in Latin America are expected to adopt these recommendations to support eventual public policies that safeguard food security.

FAO Deputy Regional Director Julio Berdegué said that Latin America and the Caribbean has 39.3 million people who are suffering from hunger and 47.1 million suffering from severe food insecurity. UNICEF Regional Director María Cristina Perceval added that the impact is differential by gender, populations and areas of residence.

Despite these indicators pointing to a worsening situation, in other regards officials pointed to some achievements, including the policy of front labeling of Chile and taxes on sugary beverages in Mexico, as well as school feeding programs in Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Honduras. However, they stressed that this is not enough, and that the measures must be strengthened.

Next Steps

It is expected that by 2019, the recommendations of these bodies will be incorporated by legislators and officials to support bills that update food systems, regulations for front labeling and taxation of ultra-processed foods, and nutritional education.
