Institute Creates Manual for Cancer Prevention
23 octubre 2019

The National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases (INEN, for its acronym in Spanish) has presented a manual aiming to foster cancer prevention measures at national level. The idea is to encourage health agents to promote educational and preventive actions in their localities. The document is available for any parties interested in acquiring information regarding the disease and the mechanisms to prevent it. INEN and the Ministry of Health will be rolling out the new tool in the coming months which will also soon be posted on the INEN website

According to INEN’s Executive Director of the Department of Health Promotion, Prevention and National Cancer Control, Javier Manrique, the manual “describes conceptual aspects of cancer, its risk factors, statistics, the role of the community health agent and the main types of cancer”.  Manrique urged local health representatives to help implement these plans, as they are “important and necessary” for the prevention and control of these diseases.

The manual also explains how to organize educational sessions to socialize its guidelines, and how to develop participatory dynamics among attendees, taking into account cultural and language aspects. It also encourages each community agent to supply the appropriate follow-up for sick people and be an emotional support for their families, providing practical help  based on their knowledge of the health system.

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