Multiple Sclerosis to be Included in Catastrophic Spending Protection Fund
28 agosto 2019


On August 17, Congressman Juan Martín Espinoza Cárdenas (Movimiento Ciudadano – opposition) raised the need to include multiple sclerosis in the catalog of the Fund for Protection against Catastrophic Expenses. This Fund seeks to provide highly specialized medical services to Popular Insurance beneficiaries suffering from high-cost illnesses. In this regard, the Health Committee of Deputies is studying an initiative that proposes to reform the General Health Law. As of September 1, when Congress resumes its activity, legislators could advance in the treatment of this bill until they issue an opinion and leave it in conditions to be approved by the floor.

Espinoza points out that the majority of those suffering from this disease lack access to medical care and appropriate treatments, so their lives are in danger and they are at risk of suffering a partial or total disability. “It is necessary to know the impact it has on the economy of patients. You have to realize that people of limited resources are in economic difficulties to meet the costs of treatment,” concluded Espinoza.

The project highlights that multiple sclerosis is a problem with immune cells that behave differently in the brain, although the causes are still unknown. Through the initiative the legislator is calling for a way to publicize this health condition and design public policies to support patients and families.

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