Chamber of Deputies approves “Aldir Blanc 2” bill and passes to Senate
24 febrero 2022


On February 24, the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill known as “Aldir Blanc 2 Law”, which seeks to establish a national policy for the promotion of culture with annual transfers of R$ 3 billion (approx. USD 587,000.00) from the Union to the states and municipalities for actions in the sector. The initiative now passes to the Senate. 

It should be recalled that the objectives of the initiative are: to stimulate cultural projects through the support and encouragement of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities; and to guarantee the financing of actions aimed at the full exercise of Brazilian citizens, providing them with the means and inputs necessary to produce, record, manage and disseminate cultural initiatives. 

The bill also seeks to ensure that the national policy benefits entities and natural and legal persons involved in the production, dissemination, promotion, preservation and acquisition of artistic and cultural goods, products or services, including tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
