Parlatino approves model laws for the region on food waste and reduction of single-use plastics
11 febrero 2022


Food waste/single-use plastics. On February 11, the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) announced the approval of the Model Laws on Food Waste and Marine Pollution Reduction with provisions on plastics during the XXXVI Ordinary Assembly of the organization. These initiatives propose to establish a legal framework to adopt and encourage public and private actions that promote the reduction of food waste and the reduction of the use of single-use plastics, respectively. Although these model laws are not binding for the 23 member countries of the region that make up the organization, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, they will be sent to their congresses to be used as frameworks of reference for updating their current legislation on the subject in the medium term.

The approved text on food wastage stipulates that States should carry out awareness campaigns aimed at companies in the sector on issues related to the prevention and reduction of food losses and wastage. It also proposes tax incentives for companies that donate food, instead of wasting it, through income tax deductions, and aims to encourage companies to contribute to the full realization of the Human Right to Adequate Food, in order to guarantee the food and nutritional security of the Latin American population. Another point to note is that it seeks to promote the adoption of risk management measures for losses, health risks and food waste in the private sector, under the control of the competent authorities of each country.

The model law on marine pollution with provisions on the reduction of single-use plastics seeks to promote the progressive replacement of these plastics with sustainable alternatives that have less impact on the environment and health. It also encourages the gradual elimination of single-use plastic packaging and products (such as straws, expanded polystyrene containers and cups for food and beverages, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, among others) and investment in reusable, biodegradable or compostable packaging, and promotes the prohibition of replacement alternatives labeled as degradable, recyclable, bioplastic or any other single-use product containing plastic.

Next steps

The Parlatino Assembly approved two model laws on the reduction of the use of single-use plastics and food waste, which, although not mandatory for the member countries of the international organization, will serve as a regulatory reference for the parliaments of the parties to legislate on these issues and to update their current regulations accordingly in the medium and long term.

Engagement opportunity

In view of the fact that these model laws will be sent to the region’s congresses, it is possible that the private and public sectors may have opportunities for debate in each parliament should any of them decide to initiate the treatment of a bill related to these issues or update an existing regulation using these model laws as a guide.
