Executive Branch launches public consultation on draft regulatory agenda for 2022 and to regulate open finance
1 noviembre 2021


On November 1, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies (MinTic in Spanish) published the draft Regulatory Agenda for 2022. Among the projects proposed by the MinTic is an amendment to the general guidelines of the Digital Government policy. In the same line, the Commission for the Regulation of Communications (CRC) published the proposed Regulatory Agenda for 2022-2023, which sets out the plans and regulatory activities that the entity expects to address in the next term. In addition, the Ministry of Finance launched a regulatory proposal that seeks to promote the architecture of open finance in the country through two components: Open finance and Open Data.

Below you will find more information on the published regulatory proposals:

  • Draft Regulatory Agenda for 2022

The document proposes to modify the structure of the Ministry in order to create a unit in charge of leading the development and implementation of public policies that affect the relationship between the State and the citizens. Interested parties may send their comments until November 30 to [email protected].

  • Regulatory Agenda for 2022-2023

The CRC’s agenda for 2022-2023 will be divided into the following categories: “Welfare and rights of users and audiences”, “Markets and competition”, “Innovation and regulatory improvement”, “Management of value groups” and “Institutional strengthening”. In turn, the regulation proposes policies for the design of strategies to promote competition in the market, investment in infrastructure and the quality of services in the postal and audiovisual sector. Interested parties may submit their comments until November 15, through the following e-mail: [email protected].

Through Open Finance, the Executive Branch seeks to specify the rules under which entities may market their financial services through electronic platforms. For this, it proposes to adopt the rules applicable to the treatment of personal data, to digital ecosystems or embedded finance; to the way in which entities may market technology and infrastructure to third parties under certain conditions; and finally, the initiation of payments as a new payment activity in the national regulatory environment. Interested parties may make their comments until November 24, at the following link
