Bolsonaro updates the powers of the President of the Central Bank
9 septiembre 2021


On September 9, the Executive Branch published in the Official Gazette a resolution that establishes the attribution and delegation of powers to the President of the Central Bank of Brazil related to the administration of public personnel and the respective normative acts. You may access the decree by clicking here.

Among the attributions added to the President of the Central Bank of Brazil are:

  • Judging administrative disciplinary proceedings and applying sanctions;
  • Dismissing ex officio employees holding effective appointment positions or converting dismissal into effective;
  • Dismissing, or converting resignation to removal from office, the committee of members of the Advisory and Senior Management Group, levels 5 and 6, and the Chief Parliamentary Counsel;
  • Publish in advance, in the Official Gazette, the number of vacancies of positions intended to be reverted, in the interest of the administration;
  • Issue the revocation act, which will be published in the Official Gazette;
  • Release additional instructions on the execution of the revocation, according to the specificity of each agency or entity; and
  • The right to be treated as equivalent to the Minister of State and the heads of bodies directly subordinate to the President of the Republic for the purpose of exercising the powers provided for in the regulatory acts in matters and processes related to the performance of the Central Bank or of the public servants.
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