Congress moves forward on initiatives that sanction the reproduction and distribution of film copies and modify the Artist Law
18 junio 2021


On June 9, the Justice Committee of Congress approved the report of the bill introduced by the Executive Branch, which punished as crimes against copyrights the recording, obtaining of copies, distribution, transmission and circulation of works or related rights, including movies in theaters or any other place. On the other hand, the Culture Committee approved the report that unifies several initiatives that propose to modify the law of the performer and executing artist. It is worth mentioning that the text of the report will be available in the next few days. Both initiatives are ready to be analyzed by the plenary, which is expected to happen in the medium term.

Bill that amends the Criminal Code to punish crimes against copyrights

The initiative proposes to amend articles 217 and 218 of the Criminal Code to incorporate penalties of two to six years of imprisonment, in addition to 30 to 90 days of fine, to persons who violate the law by recording or obtaining copies of an audiovisual work made in movie theaters or places where it is being exhibited. The bill also incorporates an aggravated form of the offense when a work is transmitted for commercial purposes or any other type of economic advantage, or by altering or suppressing the name or pseudonym of the author, producer or owner of the rights.

Reform of the Performer and Artist Law

It amends the current regulation in order to establish a regime, rights, obligations, labor and social security benefits for artists, including the promotion and dissemination of their works abroad, as well as their intellectual, moral and patrimonial property rights. In this line, interpretation will be understood as the representation and/or presentation of an audiovisual, musical, theatrical or any other type of work in which the personality and creativity of the interpreter is applied.

The approved report incorporates the following initiatives:

  • 1212/2016-CR.- Law that amends Law 28131, of the Performer and Executing Artist Law.
  • 1497/2016-CR.- Art Workers Law.
  • 2210/2017-CR.– Law that amends Article 42 of the Law 28131, Performer and Executing Artist Law.
  • 2940/2017-CR.- Law that amends various articles of the Law 28131, Performer and Executing Artist Law.
  • 3064/2017-CR.- Disabled Artists Law
  • 7450/2020-CR.- Law that amends the Performer and Executing Artist Law.
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