Ministry of Culture publishes Annual Plan for the Promotion of Film and Audiovisual Activities 2021
23 abril 2021


On April 20, the Ministry of Culture, through Ministerial Resolution No. 000101-2021-DM/MC, approved the Annual Plan for the promotion of film and audiovisual activities for the year 2021. The plan establishes a financing policy for film and audiovisual projects in order to promote a wide diversity of cultural expressions. The terms for the incentives will be published in the coming weeks on the Economic Incentives for Culture portal.

The plan contemplates 23 economic incentives, including support for audiovisual training. In this regard, the Executive Branch created a competitive line and a non-contestable stimulus, through which it is expected to grant incentives for the specialization of technicians, artists and film professionals, as well as audiovisual professionals through prioritized training programs covering various areas of the sector.

The document also contemplates a contest for film animation, which includes the categories of short film production, feature film development and pre-production. In addition, there is a call for the outstanding career award, which aims to recognize the contribution made by agents involved in the film and audiovisual field.


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