Business chambers present Executive Branch with plan to implement Knowledge Economy Law
18 febrero 2021


The Economic and Social Agreement working board meeting was held on February 11 where the Ministers of Productive Development, Matías Kulfas, and of Science and Technology, Roberto Salvarezza, met with representatives from business chambers and workers’ organizations.

The chambers presented a 10-year growth plan envisaging the creation of over 500,000 formal jobs, generating  USD 10 billion in exports.

Kulfas expressed the Government’s hope that the scope of the Knowledge Economy Law will encourage “the private sector to make significant investments in training, using its resources and calling upon the scientific and technological systems and universities, to drive the development of the raw material needed, Argentine talent and youth, including a federal and gender perspective.”

During the meeting, the attendees proposed opening the agenda to hear from all sectors concerning the regulatory framework and the implementation of the Knowledge Economy Law.

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