Committee Debates Bill to Regulate Financial Market Operations
2 julio 2020

On July 1 and 2, the Senate Finance Committee began work to analyze the Executive bill that seeks to regulate the proper functioning of the financial market. The committee is expected to continue its analysis in the short term. 

The July 1 session was attended by Juan Cortéz, president of the Financial Markets Committee, who presented their analysis of the content of the initiative and conclusions about its provisions. On July 2, Central Bank President Mario Marcel gave a presentation on the content of the bill. 

The bill establishes a system to automatically register debt securities in the Securities Registry kept by the Financial Market Committee for issuers already registered with them who submit an application for registration. Likewise, it seeks to incorporate the possibility that Pension Funds may invest in unregistered debt securities and increase the range within which the Central Bank is allowed to set limits for Pension Fund investments in alternative assets, among other provisions.
