Executive and Legislative Branches Work to Lower Medicine Prices in Pandemic Context
20 mayo 2020


On May 18, the Executive enacted Resolution No. 44 establishing tariff breaks for more than 100 drugs currently being used in COVID-19 testing protocols. In addition, the Senate is set to examine a bill which will temporarily suspend the annual indexation of drug prices. The idea is for the measure to come up for discussion in the next few days.

Bolsonaro’s resolution grants a temporary reduction of up to zero percent on import duties levied on drugs used to treat hospitalized coronavirus patients. The president explained that the objective of this type of measure is “to encourage studies into how best to tackle the virus.”

In other news, the Senate is soon to begin work on a bill filed by Eduardo Braga (Movimento Democrático Brasileiro — allied with the ruling party). The measure proposes that the annual indexation of drug prices for this year be suspended for 120 days given the context of the pandemic, and that this measure be extended to include private health plans and insurance.

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