Executive Approves Guidelines for Remote Working
26 marzo 2020

On March 26, the Executive branch issued Resolution No. 072-2020-TR, containing the Guide implementing remote work. The objective is to provide relevant information for private sector employers to implement the provisions set forth in Emergency Decree N° 026-2020, which establishes several exceptional and temporary measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. The regulation has already entered into force.

The regulations state that workers working remotely must observe the following:

  • Comply with current regulations on information security, protection and confidentiality of data.
  • They must make themselves available, during the working day, for any necessary work coordination.
  • Deliver or report on the work commissioned at the times set by the employer.

The resolution also states that computer equipment and means (internet, telephony) may be provided by the employer, in order to facilitate the work carried out by the worker.
