Coronavirus: Bill to Set Maximum Price for Prescriptions, Tests and Drugs During Health Emergency
25 marzo 2020


As a result of the coronavirus health crisis in the region, the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies began work on March 24 to study a bill setting a ceiling on the National Health Fund (Fonasa) fee charged for the option to choose freely from all services in the context of the health emergency. This includes exams, supplies and medicines. The text has already been approved by the Senate and will continue to be studied in the coming days with approval expected before the end of the month.

The bill stipulates that in the event of an epidemic or pandemic, health care providers may not charge more than the fee established by the National Health Fund (Fonasa, in Spanish) regarding the free choice mode for all services. The ceiling is 10% over the price set by the Fonasa for the free choice mode, or the institutional mode when the provider belongs to a social security health institution.

The preamble to the bill states that “this discussion cannot be left to the health business, but must be a priority for State agencies in order to protect their citizens in the face of an emergency.”

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