Alberto Fernández Elected President of Argentina
8 noviembre 2019

On October 27, Alberto Fernandez, the Frente de Todos (FT) candidate, won the presidential elections with 48.10% of the votes, flanked by former president Cristina Fernandez for vice president. Current President Mauricio Macri came second with 40.37% of the votes, so will leave office on December 10, when Fernandez takes office. 

Fernandez’s proposals include renegotiating the debt with the IMF, eliminating VAT on basic basket products and creating credits for small and medium-sized enterprises. He has also announced his intention to create a Ministry for Women and that he will return the Health Secretariat to ministerial status.

Regarding the legislative situation, the majority continues to be Juntos por el Cambio, but the coalition now has to negotiate with other parties to achieve a quorum. The ruling party won nine new seats, leaving the FT and its Peronist allies with a total of 114 seats. Meanwhile, in the Senate, the FT increased its representation with just one senator to obtain a quorum in session.

