Congress turned the Fiscal Consensus 2020 into law
18 junio 2021


On June 10, the Chamber of Deputies turned into law the bill that ratifies the Fiscal Consensus 2020, which establishes commitments in national and provincial tax matters, indebtedness and the initiation of legal proceedings against the Nation. The text was approved with 140 votes in favor, 104 against and 1 abstention.

At the beginning of the debate, the president of the Budget and Finance Committee, Carlos Heller (Frente de Todos – ruling party), expressed: “In relation to other fiscal consensuses and in the midst of the pandemic, it was deemed convenient to suspend the obligations regarding exemptions and scales of maximum tax rates foreseen for 2020 and 2021 on the gross income tax and stamp tax, those taxing payrolls and specific taxes”.

On behalf of the opposition, Deputy Luis Pastori (UCR – opposition) said: “We have to make an effort to reduce the tax burden, not to increase it”. In this sense, he announced the rejection of the initiative by Juntos por el Cambio.

After this debate, the deputies will discuss the trans employment quota initiative, which includes incentives to the private sector. The article proposes that the employer’s contributions generated by the hiring of trans people may be taken as payment on account of national taxes. If approved, the text will be sent to the Senate for its consideration.

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