Executive Branch publishes rules for the call for film incentives and publishes a report on creative industries
7 mayo 2021


On April 26, the Ministry of Culture, through Resolution No. 000062-2021-DGIA/MC, approved the Bases for the first call for incentives for Film Distribution, International Promotion and Stimulus to Audiovisual Training. Additionally, the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi, in Spanish) published the report “Economic Contribution of the Creative Industries based on Copyrights in Peru”, which shows the contribution of the different artistic and creative activities to the economic growth of the country during the pandemic generated by COVID-19. 

The resolution stipulates that legal entities that are recognized and registered in the National Registry of Cinematography and Audiovisuals (RENCA, in Spanish) may participate in the call for entries. In turn, the works may be of any genre, theme and technique, and their duration must be over seventy-five (75) minutes for fiction works, and over fifty-two (52) minutes for documentaries. At the same time, the application contemplates the commercial, alternative or online circulation of an audiovisual work. 

  • Report on the economic contribution of copyright-based creative industries.

The study points out that between the years 2010 and 2018, the total contribution of copyright-based industries to the national economy increased by 39%; that is, it went from S/ 13,400 million (2010) to S/ 18,600 million (2018). Meanwhile, the employment generated by these industries increased from 636,205 to 703,654 workers. In this line, an increase of 11% was evidenced for the same period.

The document also points out that one of the challenges is to include the property right for the use of digital platforms, i.e., artists, performers and musicians do not receive royalties for this concept. In addition, there is evidence of a change in consumer preferences in relation to the format for accessing movies. The report notes that access to movies through virtual devices or platforms increased from 21.6% to 41.3% (17.6% average annual growth).

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