Presidential candidates agree on the need to unify the mexican health system
20 junio 2018

The main candidates for the presidency of the country, José Antonio Meade (Todos por México-ruling party), Ricardo Anaya (Por México al Frente-opposition), the Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Juntos Haremos Historia-opposition) and Jaime Rodríguez Calderón (Independent), agreed to unify the different medical care health systems during the presidential debate on June 12th. The elections will be held next July 1st.

The candidates agreed to reform the health system so that Mexicans can be treated indistinctly in the three systems that exist: the Seguro Popular, the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (Issste) and the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

Furthermore, the four politicians have suggested better administration and management of resources, as well as anti-corruption measures to cover expenses. Candidate Anaya also proposed to work in the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer as well as the creation of an electronic clinical record. Candidate López Obrador, meanwhile, suggested eliminating Seguro Popular and subsuming it to the other systems.

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