National Assembly moves forward with new Health Code
28 julio 2017

The president of the Association of Kidney Transplant Patients, John Salazar, urged the president of the Commission of Health in the National Assembly, William Garzón (Alianza País, ruling party) to consider the condition of kidney transplant patients as a catastrophic illness, to provide them with quality medication and to inventory the medication in stock.

The request was made during the debate held by the Ecuadorian Assembly in mid July to receive contributions and suggestions on the amendment to the Health Code, which will be debated by the Assembly after commissional approval.

Salazar reported on the situation of transplant patients who cannot get medication from Social Security and are forced to spend between U$S1000 and U$S1,200 a month. “Don’t get me wrong: we’re not fighting for brand-name drugs. We’re fighting for drugs that will keep us alive.”

 “We have no immune system. We need to watch what we eat, where we swim, asepsis is essential,” Salazar added. Garzón assured him his observations would be analyzed and included in a report before the next debate.

The Health Commission has moved to Tsáchila Technological Institute in order to receive contributions from doctors, nurrses, obstetrices, physical therapists, medical students and members of the Scientific Society of Internal Medicine.

The initiative, presented by Garzón and other ruling party representatives, includes a wide range of topics such as sexual health, mental health, catastrophic ilnesses and rare diseased and even promotion and coordination of food safety and healthy eating projects.

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